Making Fares, Fair

Securing the lowest price...

...after you've booked.

Unlock the future of travel
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    It's 100% free

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    Send us your booking confirmation emails and let our AI track the price.

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    We'll rebook you at the lower price and savings will go directly into your airline account.

The cheapest flight
every time
Fly with confidence, knowing you've paid the lowest fare possible.
Purchase your ticket and let us track the prices until departure.
Our Model
Airfare prices can change significantly between the moment you book your flight and when you actually fly.
If the price drops, whether it's an hour later or a month after booking, pAiback will step up. We'll automatically rebook you at the lower price, and you'll keep the savings.
Full Transparency
View the pricing history of your flights and track savings with our real-time analytics.Get notified about expiring credits to ensure you don't miss those future memories.
Winning Together

Our pricing model is simple. pAiback's 20% service charge applies only to fully realised savings.

No savings, no charge. No hidden fees. No hassle.

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More and more people are discovering how much money pAiback helps you save. Refer family and friends to get service free transactions.

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